Just as I was about to quit my searching on Craig's list, I struck a few good deals. I have been searching for a BOB Stroller on the internet. It seemed like the chances of actually getting one that was in good condition at a discount prince were slim to none. Last Sunday night, I proclaimed, "I hate Craig's List." I was still feeling a bit burnt from my purchase of a broken "Brother Sewing Machine," just one year ago. Josh reassured me, "Once you get a good deal, you will be hooked."
The very next morning, I saw an ad for a brand-spanking new BOB stroller. The seller said it had "never been used." I sent her an email and she literally called me back within three minutes. I will spare you the boring story of our travels to Bel Air. All you really need to know is that I was the proud purchaser of a brand new BOB stroller. Perhaps the best thing about it was that we don't even have to assemble it. Apparently, the woman's husband assembled it, but s he never used it because she had eight other strollers.
Just a week later, while cleaning, I decided that my nightstand and dresser were looking way too junky to repaint or repair. I decided that we needed a bit more room for all of Emerson's books, toys and crafts. (Yes, some serious crafting will be taking place here in just a few short years.) Although Josh didn't see the need for more storage, I assured him that he would be pleased with a few tasteful "hiding places" for our little one's treasures.
Once again, I noticed a few things on Craig's List. I inquired about the pieces, and sent out an offer to the seller of a vintage dresser and credenza. The seller sent me back an affirmative text. We arranged to go see the furniture on Sunday morning. When I plotted her location, I was surprised to see on "Google maps" that Josh and I would be returning to Bel Air. That's right, two great finds in Bel Air! In all my life as a California native, I had never driven down Bellagio Road before. But, this month, my Honda has been there twice, and each time I have returned with some stuff that's a far cry from shabby.