Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"It's a girl" Mosaic

Last Monday I went hiking in Topanga Canyon with my friend Marikje. She and her dogs know a great trail with plenty of ocean views to stop and admire. Marikje suggested we stop to rest at a rock mosaic near the cliff's edge. There, she maneuvered the rocks into a formation to symbolize "its a girl!" At this point, we didn't know the gender, but I guess her intuition was right. (Always trust a woman with a wolf-dog.)

Twas the night before Christmas

Do You Believe in Santa?

If you have started to loose your faith in Santa Claus, here's a few photos to make you a believer once again. My nephew, Luke, has been dressed, head-to-toe, in a fancy red suit all month long. This Christmas morning, after taking a break on the couch, he fulfilled his duty of delivering presents to all of the good girls and boys. You better watch out!

It's Legit

Christmas Eve night we gathered with family in Westlake for a Christmas Eve church service, a Mexican-themed dinner of tamales and beans, and a bit of gift exchanging.

Earlier in the day, I had done my own exchange of baked goods. I baked a yellow cake with chocolate sour cream frosting for my friend Jessica's family. In return, Jessica baked me a pumpkin spice cake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles. Inside the cake was either pink or blue frosting - signaling to us the gender of our child to be. (My doctor texted her the sex of the baby after my ultrasound on Friday.)

My family elected Josh to cut the cake, which makes sense since he is the father-to-be, and I all ready to get to be the one who carries and delivers the child. It was Josh's job to cut the cake and reveal the color of frosting. With just one slice of the knife, everyone was cheering: "It's a girl!" Nathan, my sister's husband, was cheering with both arms in the air, since he has been secretly routing for a girl all along. He thinks it will be fun to watch Annabelle boss around a little cousin. (The girls will be just two years apart - exactly the split between me and my sister.)

Josh and I are very happy about the news and probably the most shocked since we both would have bet money on the fact that I was carrying a boy. It's hard to immediately switch gears and make your head think Pinkalicious thoughts! On the way home from my parents, I could tell we were both making the adjustment and getting more and more excited.

I could barely sleep the night of Christmas Eve. It only took a little bit of pink frosting to make me start to see our future family through the lenses of girl-colored glasses. I can't wait for girl trips and adventures with Cathi and Annabelle. And, staying true to sisterhood trends: I am sure this little girl of mine will be extremely lucky to receive hand-me-downs from Annabelle just as I have been so fortunate to receive what I call "hand me ups" from my little sister Cathi.

Happy Holidays

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and New Year....or,
as all the hip cards put it: "Happy Everything!"

Mount Hood, Oregon
September 2011

Happy Birthday Luke and Mia

The twinners are turned 4 on December 21st! Josh and I wish we could have been in Idaho to celebrate with our adorable niece and nephew!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Occupy LA

Here are some photos Josh took downtown last week just before the cops broke up the Occupy LA movement.

Roll With It

Two great discoveries. One old; one new. Josh and I went to the rollerskating ring in Portland at Oak Park. Since I hadn't skated since I lived in Chinatown (2000), it was a refreshing activity. Skating in a rink is a lot different than skating through the streets of China town - where my skates picked up hair and gummy gunk from the sidewalks.

In Portland, it took a few seconds (or laps) to get my moves back. Mind you, these are very novice moves that take me back to the days when Cathi and I would make up skating routines to ABBA and Wham! The second thing I discovered was the band Cut Copy. Enjoy the show, and try not to laugh too hard at my expense while watching.

Happy First Birthday Domiano

On December 8th, Domiano turned one! Sounds like he had a bit of a party on the east coast. Wish I could have been there. Congratulations to Gretchen and Henry on their first year as parents!

Holiday Photo Shoot

Yesterday Josh and I had some little visitors. Jamie, Katherine, Hunter and Waylon drove over (in the rain) for a holiday photo shoot and brunch. Since there are no toys to play with, the camera equipment, kitchen utensils, boom box and Christmas ornaments provided hours of entertainment. Waylon took two beauty naps in between photo sessions. He should look exceptionally rested in the photos.

A Shower for Baby May

On December 4, I attended Katie's Baby Shower to celebrate the anticipation of the arrival of Katie and Mike's "baby May." My dearest college friends attended the event to support Katie. It was a great excuse for a reunion amongst friends and loved ones.