Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rose Cafe

Here's another one of my scouting trips through Santa Moncia by foot. I stumbled into the Rose Cafe and was pleased to see that their back patio has been remodeled. There are trees and wooden benches and it's relatively peaceful. Obviously, it was sort of quiet because I took the cliche "girly photo" - a picture of my own feet! That's what happens when you do too many scouting trips through Venice and Santa Monica on foot, alone.


There's a bakery in Silverlake that I have been wanting to try for nearly two years. I actually had the menu posted on my fridge since I went to an art opening nearly two years ago. There, the curator was serving cupcakes. She ran out of cupcakes before I could try one, but I took a menu and looked at it periodically. Josh and I finally made the trek back to Silverlake. Here's a few photos from our "date."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Secret Garden

Lately I have been into reading. I have also been into finding great spots to read. When I try to read at home, I get distracted and I start cleaning things. I mean, really cleaning with a toothbrush, Comet and multiple sponges. Egad! I need to get better about plunking myself down to read. God forbid, I make it through a chapter without getting up to check on the sourdough starter or to stop that damn dryer buzzer which sounds like the end of a basketball quarter with me sitting courtside.

The other day, I decided to give the 18th Street Coffee Shop on Broadway another shot. I used to go there when I lived near it, but now that I have moved a few blocks south, I rarely make a special trip that way. The garden patio is brick, with padded iron furniture and mosaic-tiled tables. It is quiet, sunny and not windy. There's a fountain in the garden and did I mention that it's NOT WINDY? It's adorable and perfect for a brisk March afternoon, when the beach might be a little too cool for concentration.

Key Hole Capture

My dear friend Tegan - creator of the blog soulyluna is working on a Key Hole Capture Six Word Memoir Project, which is both inspirational and fun. Remember writing haiku poetry in elementary school? The key hole project is similar in that it makes you think "inside structure." The project encourages you to put six words together that evoke an emotion, attitude or glimpse into your life. I came up with lots of phrases, but I chose the one that was most true to me right now. (I came up with a great one, but I will wait to post it when it becomes true to my life.)

welcomes more people to participate. If you feel like joining in, just send her a photo with your six word capture. She will post it and link it to your blog or website. Pretty amazing! Have fun! You might surprise yourself.

Tegan's email is: soulyluna@gmail.com

Here's a bit more about the project and the postings: http://soulyluna-tchotchkes.blogspot.com/2011/03/keyhole-capture-six-word-memoir-project_13.html

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. The photo above is not mine. It's Josh's picture, but he was kind enough to donate to me for the project. I thought I would give Joshua Argyle Photography its due props.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Tipping Point

Last night I was complaining that Charlie Sheen is getting way too much media attention for saying crazy things - things that any homeless person near the Santa Monica promonade might say on any given day.

"What's the big deal with Charlie Sheen and why, exactly, does the media care so much?" I asked Josh as I was getting into bed. I continued, as I fluffed by pillow, "They are making a verb out of the word sheen! I read a quote in the Sunday Times that was used by Mat Stone (co-creator of South Park) that said 'We were just sheening our heads off.''' My voice must have been acquiring a bit tone because Josh told me "This is not really a topic that you should get so upset about. It's not worth losing sleep over." At this point, he encouraged me to drop the topic and to go to bed rather than get all "angry Ade" over this sheen issue.

There have been other types of discouraging news. I read an article in "W" magazine called "A Wrinkle in Time." Underneath the title was the phrase "According to research out of Japan, 35.09 is the exact age at which beauty begins to fade." The author, Sloane (love her name) Crosley states, "Approximately 33 days past your 35th birthday - is the precise tipping point: You'll start to look older from the moment you wake up that morning. And that's not all! From that instant on, everyday stresses will have a more profound and lasting impact on the condition of your skin." By golly, I thought, here I am, precisely balancing on top of the tipping point. I am like a banana with only a few black specks. Give me a few years and I will be bruised, mushy fruit, sitting in the "half-off" box near the check out counter. YIKES!

Today when I woke up,I was sobered by the news of the tsunami that surprised us all, by sweeping through Japan's coastal cities. Might I add: This is NEWS! And, Yes, my heart pours out to all of the people who were effected by this natural disaster. This put my own life in perspective. All of the creams and face masks in the world cannot prepare human life for the travesty an earthquake or tsunami randomly unleashes upon entire populations.

Since I don't have a television, I watched the clips of video that people had recorded and sent into CNN from the dentist's chair. As my teeth were being scraped and polished, I winced (through one eye) at the raw footage and felt lucky to be alive - just a few months past my prime (35.4).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Piece of Cake

Admittedly, it's been a while since I have written. I have been waiting for news from my land lord and in the meantime, I have been scoping out potential new apartments in Santa Monica that are dog friendly. There are so many awesome spots to live in Santa Monica. As I run on new streets that aren't part of my usual run, I am finding all kinds of gems. If I am going to move, I am going to move closer to the beach. You know, do it right! Josh and I have been migrating toward the shore since we moved here in 2005, and I say it's time to go West of Lincoln Blvd. One of my friends told me, "it's a whole different game when you are west of Lincoln." Sound's nice...

This week I feel back into my latte habit. Like a good smoker, I fell back into my "old habit" with the whole golden doodle setback from the landlord. Fortunately, my vices are lattes, cliff bars, and chocolate chip cookies.

That said, there's always cake to make a girl grin again. My friend Aria Anastasio makes cakes for all types of occasions. She lives in Southern California, and she's got a talent for creating some amazing sweet stuff!

Take a look! If anyone needs a cake for a wedding or event, please feel free to send her an email:
anastasio_arianicole@hotmail.com. Believe me she's as sweet as her gorgeous pastries!