Thursday, February 24, 2011


It's funny that the failure to communicate is the cause of confusion and disappointment. Last night, just as I was leaving work, one of my landlords called to say she was "not happy" with the idea of having a dog in the apartment. As I biked home, I felt like a kid on Christmas morning who had been told that Santa "skipped" her house.

On Monday, I had filled out an application for a puppy and I had made a deposit. Ironically, the deposit had gone through my bank account sometime on Tuesday. The puppy was going to be born in April and ready to be picked up in June. I was all ready super excited with the IDEA of getting a puppy!

I know that there is nothing I can do if the landlords put the breaks on all of this excitement. Just to keep things in perspective, I can't imagine what couples go through when they are trying to adopt. That must be a roller coaster for the heartstrings if there ever was one.

All of this reminds me that there are continually ups and downs and that I need to be thankful for what I do have.But, I must say, it's funny how flippin' happy I was about the idea of getting a puppy. After submitting my deposit and application on Monday night, I barely slept a wink!

Get yourself a limbo girl
Give that chic a limbo whirl
There's a limbo moon above
You will fall in limbo love
Jack be limbo, Jack be quick
Jack go unda limbo stick
All around the limbo clock
Hey, let's do the limbo rock

Don't move that limbo bar
You'll be a limbo star
How low can you go

Monday, February 21, 2011

Doodles on the Brain

This was a momentous week!

I was having a busy, somewhat frustrating day at work. On my break, I peaked at my email and discovered that my landlord has granted me permission to get a puppy. Yelp! Let's just say that I biked home in the pouring rain grinning "ear-to-ear."

Of course, the landlord send a follow-up email, which mentioned that if the dog barks, "there could be some issues."

So, I am still trying to decide on when I should get a puppy and what sort of training I should invest in. There are puppy boot camps where they supposedly learn proper manners. Everyone tells me that puppies are "so much work!" I know you have to be consistent with a puppy, and I won't be able to train the puppy when I am at work. Josh is going to help, but it might be wise to get a head start on the training with a boot camp. Any opinions? This is all new to me. Are puppy boot camps for rich people who are too lazy to train their dogs? Maybe my friend Gretchen can give me some answers! We worked at the Paw's Inn together in NYC! That was my only experience with dogs as an adult! Gretchen knows how to handle dogs! She's amazing with them. I just remember enjoying the walks, and doggy baths!

I plan on doing some research, and on reading some training books before I actually pick out a puppy. People tell me that having a dog is a life-changing event. So is having a baby. I haven't had a dog since I was really little, and I haven't had a baby, either. I am thinking that I want to experience both.

Yes, "there could be some issues," and added stress with these hypothetical new additions to our very small and quiet apartment. Before Josh and I get too set in our ways, I say "bring on the challenge, more fun and more to love!

Shhh... no barking allowed!

Baby in a Basket

This weekend I met my friend Kim and her baby Amelie down at Muscle Beach. Amelie was a bit cranky after her stroller ride while her parents roller skated on the boardwalk. We decided that Amelie might want to sit in my bike basket for a while. She immediately calmed down. I thought she looked quite cute. I texted Josh: "Look what I found in my basket! Can I keep her?"

Amelie's dad wanted to go to a Beer garden on the Venice Boardwalk. Amelie enjoyed hanging out with her German dad, who was enjoying a German pretzel and German Beer.
Happy Sunday!

P.S. Josh joined us at the Beer Garden. I think he wanted to make sure I didn't bring home a "baby a la basket!"

Happy Birthday Grandma Bright

On Tuesday My Grandma Bright turned 87! We celebrated with her great grandson; lunch at her favorite Mexican restaurant and the lastest Adam Sandler / Jennifer Aniston movie "Just Go With It." Happy Birthday Irene!

Look Who is Wearing Tie Dye!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Usually I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. Most years, (and even this morning), either Josh or I say "just cards this year, right?"

Yes, we are doing cards (you are looking at it!) You will see it before Josh, because I am not sure he is one of my three regular readers.

That said... this year has made me rethink love and reevaluate what it's all about. The inside of this card reads: "On the road of life, it's not where you go, but who's by your side that makes the difference."

This year, My Valentine got married on Facebook and is wearing his wedding ring with pride. He's been busy taking amazing photos, and I know he is dedicated to our future together and whatever that may have in store for us. This is all wonderful stuff that needs to be noted on a day dedicated to LOVE!

Instead of just cards, I am making a special dinner and a new kind of chocolate chip cookie. If they turn out, I'll share the details...


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tie-Dye Super Bowl Sunday Party

I am going to another tie-dye party. Since I am not much of a football fan, I will be in the backyard with my whites, dipping them into buckets of color. Enjoy the game, friends, couch-potato foods and all of the commercial breaks! By the way, Who's playing?

Love is in the air

February is the month of love, and, so far, I can see why! This week I got to walk (with Hunter and Jagger) and talk (via gmail chat with the adorable, and very toothless Annabelle Lee). I also got to hike with a Jack Russell Terrier named, Daisy May (side note: even her collar spells L-O-V-E) and a little mut named Leo.
Indeed, love is in the air. I think that's why I fell in love with Golden doodles. They have been on my mind all week.. I am not so sure I am allowed to have a dog in my apartment, but I am quite sure this is the beginning of what they call "puppy love."